Impact of Electronic Criminal Procedure Law in Court for Law Enforcement Apparatus and the Defendant Law Number 8 of 1981 Concerning Criminal Procedure Law is Reviewed

  • Asep Sapsudin, Ahmad Halimuddin, Riyanti Andriyasari


Electronic Integrated Criminal Files (e-Berpadu) is a positive step in the digital transformation of criminal justice administration, replacing physical files with electronic files.  So that the judicial process becomes more efficient, effective, and transparent. The implementation of e-Criminal Files also faces several challenges, such as data security and infrastructure readiness. This study aims to determine how the impact  of the application of electronic criminal justice system on court apparatus, investigation institutions, prosecution institutions, advocates and defendants in the process of solving criminal cases, as well as to find out the obstacles to the application of criminal procedural law electronically, which is expected to provide knowledge about the implementation of electronic criminal procedural law procedures and understand the steps of criminal procedure law  steps in the operation of integrated electronic criminal file applications applied by all District Courts in Indonesia based on Law Nomber 8 of 1981 concerning criminal procedure law.

The research method used is an empirical normative legal research method.

The results of this study show that the application of the criminal electronic justis system based on Law Nomber 8 of 1981 concerning the Code of Criminal Procedure is carried out with Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA) Number 3 of 2018 Jo. Perma No.1 of 2019 concerning Electronic Administration of Cases and Trials in Court which was refined then by the issuance of PERMA number 4 of 2020 concerning the administration and trial of criminal cases in court electronically and Letters The Decree of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court number 238 of 2022 concerning the Appointment of Pilot Courts for the trial implementation of the integrated criminal file electronic application (e-Berpadu) shows quite good results and can be applied in all courts by law enforcers including investigation, prosecution, defense, case breakers and correctional institutions. And The impact of the application of electronic criminal procedure law is felt by criminal offenders when their status begins to be determined as suspects, defendants to become convicts.

The Supreme Court should  improve data security and complete the perfection of the judicial process and various features in the e-Berpadu application that is even simpler, so that stakeholders in accessing the application can easily and quickly find any information on the case being handled, namely by holding technical guidance, training and socialization as well as open seminars attended by all interested parties.

How to Cite
Asep Sapsudin. (2024). Impact of Electronic Criminal Procedure Law in Court for Law Enforcement Apparatus and the Defendant Law Number 8 of 1981 Concerning Criminal Procedure Law is Reviewed. Design Engineering, (1), 127 - 142. Retrieved from