Study on Factor of Delays on a Construction Project During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

  • Rosmariani Arifuddin, M. Tumpu, Indah Wahyuni, Rifan Fadillah
Keywords: COVID-19, Construction, Project Delay, Partial Least Square.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant negative impact on all sectors in several countries. The construction industry is one of the sectors that experienced a decline in productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic. The negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the construction industry delays. Delays in construction projects are a significant issue for various parties because the impact is enormous. So a comprehensive study is needed to look for factors that cause project delays during the COVID-19 pandemic as a knowledge base for developing strategies for handling pandemics in the future. This research is a comprehensive study to model the multifactor causes of delays in construction projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. Questionnaire data were obtained from respondents who were directly involved in construction projects that experienced delays during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The analysis data used is a quantitative multivariate analysis with the PLS-SEM. The results show that the causes of delays in construction projects during the COVID-19 pandemic are multifactorial and complex. Human Resources Factors provide an enormous contribution with a percentage value of 37.5%, then Contractual Factors are 20.9%, Equipment Factors are 19,7%, Material Factors are 16,5%, and Environment Factors are 13,5%. The human resource factor is greatly influenced by the spread of disease among employee indicator (Value 0,9197). Furthermore, the contractual factor is strongly influenced by the financial availability during the limited implementation (funding difficulties of contractors) indicator (Value 0,8821). The equipment factor is greatly influenced by the Delays of distributed equipment indicator (Value 0.9086). The delays strongly influence the Material Factors in the material Distribution indicator (Value 0,8568). The Environmental Factors are strongly influenced by the project location in the red zone indicator (Value 0,8747).

How to Cite
Rosmariani Arifuddin, M. Tumpu, Indah Wahyuni, Rifan Fadillah. (2023). Study on Factor of Delays on a Construction Project During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Design Engineering, (1), 29 - 43. Retrieved from