The Model Test of Hexagonal Grid Plate As Foundation Layer on Soft Soil

  • E. A. R Dendo, A. R. Djamaluddin, T. Harianto, A. B. Muhiddin
Keywords: Foundation, Hexagonal, Grid, Slab, Settlement, Soft Soil.


Soft soil is a problem in infrastructure development because it has a low bearing capacity. Road construction built on soft subgrade soil without improvement causes the pavement to be more easily damaged. In addition, the layers of the pavement structure are thicker, resulting in higher construction and maintenance costs. The solution to overcome the problem of soft soil is use foundation on improvement soft soil. This study aims to analyze the performance of hexagonal grid plate as foundation layers on soft soils against settlements that occur due to loads applied through loading tests. The results of loading test on the hexagonal grid plate and plate without hexagonal grid are then compared to determine the performance. The hexagonal grid is formed from hexagonal concrete cells resembling a honeycomb. The soil used was silt with high plasticity with a compressive strength value of 0.13 kg/cm2 and classified as soft soil. The result show that the plate without hexagonal grids is easily damaged because it is unable to accept a greater load. The hexagonal grid is effective as a foundation layer because since prevent plate from breaking and can reduce settlement. The settlement that occurs in the soil under the slab is greater when compared to the settlement that occurs in the soil under the hexagonal grid plate type 1 and hexagonal grid plate type 2. When the load is 27.16 kN, the hexagonal grid plate type 1 can reduce the settlement by 60%, while at type 2 hexagonal grid plate can reduce the settlement by 75 %. The depth of the grid affects the amount of settlement that occurs in soft soils, the deeper the hexagonal grid, the smaller the settlement, and vice versa.

How to Cite
E. A. R Dendo, A. R. Djamaluddin, T. Harianto, A. B. Muhiddin. (2023). The Model Test of Hexagonal Grid Plate As Foundation Layer on Soft Soil. Design Engineering, (1), 1 - 15. Retrieved from