Advanced Animal Health Care and Monitoring System Using WSN

  • Tanveer Baig Z, Dr. Chandrasekar Shastry
Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).


Internet of things (IoT) technology being a global connecting technology for many electronic devices has led to tracking, health monitoring and other related activities of domestic, farm and wild animals remotely. IoT with WSN collaboration has reduced the burden of visual monitoring of animal in the grazing field, at home or in the farm. The use of various active sensors for monitoring animal activities like body temperature, estrus cycle in cows and heifer, motion detection , lameness, count of animals in the herd, pulse rate measurement, fertility over time, vocalization, calving etc. can be fetched on real time remotely using IoT connectivity and IoT analytics can be applied on the received data from different sensors at IoT cloud to monitor the animal health this further leads to reduce labor cost, increase conception rate and helps in delivering timely aid to the animal also it allows us to divert our time to other priority task.

How to Cite
Dr. Chandrasekar Shastry, T. B. Z. (2021). Advanced Animal Health Care and Monitoring System Using WSN. Design Engineering, 7826- 7834. Retrieved from