Work Motivation of State Civil Apparatus at the Department of Population and Civil Registration Biak Numfor

  • Amiruddin, Sulaiman Asang, Nurdin Nara, Muhammad Yunus


Employee motivation needs to be considered by agency leaders because employee motivation is very influential on the overall performance of the agency. This study aims to analyze the work motivation of the State Civil Apparatus at the Department of Population and Civil Registration, Biak Numfor Regency. The research method used is a qualitative approach. Data was collected through observation and interviews, besides that the researchers also conducted document analysis. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques. The results showed that the factors that influence the work motivation of state civil servants at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Biak Numfor Regency, namely intrinsic factors are factors that come from within an employee who encourage them to excel. Intrinsic factors include; achievement (achievement), recognition (recognition), individual potential development (advancement), responsibility (responsibility). Extrinsic factors are factors that arise from outside the employee's self that can affect an employee's work motivation, extrinsic factors include: salary, working conditions, and supervision.

How to Cite
Amiruddin, Sulaiman Asang, Nurdin Nara, Muhammad Yunus. (2021). Work Motivation of State Civil Apparatus at the Department of Population and Civil Registration Biak Numfor. Design Engineering, 7283-7288. Retrieved from