GPS Data Protecting Using RC6 and ABC Algorithms

  • Rajaa Ahmed Ali, Noor Hasan Hassoon, Ahmed Luay Ahmed, Infal Talib Ibrahim, Juliet Kadum
Keywords: GPS data, Cryptography, stenography, RC6 algorithm, ABC algorithm


Tracking and positioning is a significant aspect of every area of life, whether in the commercial or industrial sectors. Global Positioning System(GPS) provides all tracking and position facilities over its satellite-based network in any weather situation and at any signal level. GPS has been used since the beginning of its design for military use for security purposes. To maintain the privacy of transmitted military coordinates, many techniques and algorithm were proposed to maintain the safety of coordinates encryption. In this research paper  a new method was proposed in order to protect the coordinates of GPS using RC6 and ABC algorithm. The advantages of the proposed system of steganography and the power of RC6 and ABC algorithm are combined to improve data security. This paper utilised some standard parameters that measure the system's image quality to test the quality and workability of the approach used for information hiding. The results of parameters indicated the proposed method has the highest security.

How to Cite
Infal Talib Ibrahim, Juliet Kadum , R. A. A. N. H. H. A. L. A. (2021). GPS Data Protecting Using RC6 and ABC Algorithms. Design Engineering, 13874-13882. Retrieved from