Novel Method to Reconstruct an Image using Hybrid Decomposition

  • Chrispin Jiji
Keywords: Tone mapping, Multiscale decomposition, Reconstruction, Stretching


Tone mapping method is used for mapping single set of colours to other for simulating the presence of scenes with high dynamic range in a medium with a lower dynamic range. Its primary goal is to generate typicalactive range scene from a maximumactive range scene while preserving the visual information.Other tone mapping techniques divide a picture by base as well as detail layer, then process each distinctly. As a result of the lack of suitable imposement on the two layers, the above approaches may suffer from halo artefacts and over-enhancement. To overcome these issues, we suggest a decomposition of coupled L1 and L0 methods in this study.A piecewise constant effect is achieved throughstriking a l1 sparseness term proceeding base layer to simulate its smoothness quality and a l0 sparsity term through detail layer as a physicalpreceding. On the basis of our layer decomposition approach, we also present a multiscale tone mapping method.For subjective and objective estimations, proposed technique delivers aesthetically engaging consequencesby few halo artefacts when compared to existing tone mapping algorithms, and achieves a higher image quality than previous methods.

How to Cite
Chrispin Jiji. (2021). Novel Method to Reconstruct an Image using Hybrid Decomposition. Design Engineering, 11002-11015. Retrieved from