Function Point Analysis On Software Effort Estimation Using Artificial Intelligence

  • Mr. Ravi Kumar B N, Mrs. Vidya R Pai, Mr. Sankara Teja
Keywords: Function point, Effort estimation, COCOMO, Artificial neural network, Loc.


Understanding the size and effort taken for a programming project in the beginning phases is pivotal yet difficult. Over the years several researchers and experts worked for this cause and developed various methods. As said above, several methods exist for the purpose of estimating effort but the accuracy is still unsatisfying. After abundant research, in this paper, we propose a method which is simpler and accurate i.e., Function Point Analysis (FPA). The Function point investigation technique was created by A. J. Albrecht (1979) to help measure the size of an automated business data framework. These sizes are utilized as a part for the estimation of profitability in framework improvement and support exercises, and as a segment for assessing the exertion required for such exercises. Close assessment of the technique shows certain shortcomings, and the creator proposes a halfway other option. A depiction is given of the standards of this Mark II methodology. The outcomes are introduced of certain estimations of real frameworks to adjust the Mark II methodology, and ends are drawn on the legitimacy and relevance of capacity point investigation by and large.

How to Cite
Mr. Sankara Teja, M. R. K. B. N. M. V. R. P. (2021). Function Point Analysis On Software Effort Estimation Using Artificial Intelligence. Design Engineering, 5514- 5521. Retrieved from