Modbus Protocol Implementation For Energy Monitoring Smart Meter Array

  • Mohd. Sohail Abul Bashar Ansari, Dr. Asha Ambhaikar
Keywords: EMS, MODBUS, PF, Watt, Amps


Industrial automation is the most demanding and emerging field for many years. Every industry is energy-intensive and energy-intensive at multiple levels of production. The Government of India has issued a new energy audit compliance for large industries with multiple levels of energy meters and energy distribution. With the help of conventional power meters, users cannot obtain other parameters such as amps, voltage, watts, or PF. These parameters can be obtained using special industrial meters. With the help of serial communication with the power meter, the user can get the details, but this is easy if there are few meters. If a user wants to communicate multiple meters through a single communication host and through a single communication line, it becomes a big problem. MODBUS protocols are specifically designed and for the same purpose, they have the means to communicate with multiple devices that support this protocol through a single communication line, giving each node or device an identification number. The proposed system consists of designing and developing a communication tool based on the MODBUS protocol to analyze the performance of industrial energy meters.

How to Cite
Dr. Asha Ambhaikar, M. S. A. B. A. (2021). Modbus Protocol Implementation For Energy Monitoring Smart Meter Array. Design Engineering, 3563- 3573. Retrieved from