Brain Tumor Detection Using Machine Learning Approach

  • Dr. Sunil L. Bangare
Keywords: Machine Learning (ML), Brain tumor, MRI Images.


Computer vision and machine learning have transformed the world in almost every manner imaginable during the past decade. In recent years, machine learning (a subset of machine learning) has gained importance in almost every area that involves decision-making, including economics, health care, marketing, and sales. In healthcare, machine learning and deep learning have shown promising outcomes in several areas, including illness detection via medical imaging, surgical robots, and hospital performance optimization.

Its potential and abilities have also been used and evaluated in the diagnosis and prognosis of brain tumors utilizing MRI scans, with amazing results. The primary goal of this study is to provide a thorough critical review of the research and results that have been published in the recent past about the detection and classification of brain tumors using MRI scans. The findings in this article will offer future researchers a comprehensive comparison of current studies and understand the efficacy of different machine learning methods. We are sure that this study will significantly contribute to brain tumor research progress.

How to Cite
Dr. Sunil L. Bangare. (2021). Brain Tumor Detection Using Machine Learning Approach. Design Engineering, 7557-7566. Retrieved from