BIM Technology Based on Blockchain in Building Information Integration System

  • De Xu*


The development status of BIM Technology and blockchain technology is analyzed in this
paper. It is found that there is a high degree of compatibility and effective complementarity
between the two technologies. A BIM chain framework coupled with blockchain technology is
proposed in this paper.The characteristics of the framework are: the alliance chain is connected
with the public chain, the nodes in the chain access the BIM chain according to the role identity
and provide the computing power support. The mobile and Internet of things terminals access
the main chain through the nodesand explain the data content contained in the BIM chain
block.Finally, the problems of BIM chain landing is discussion based on the experiment result.

How to Cite
De Xu*. (2020). BIM Technology Based on Blockchain in Building Information Integration System. Design Engineering, 742 - 749.