An IoT Instrumented Smart Irrigation System Using Raspberry Pi

  • Mr.M.Gopi Krishna, Ms.K.Swetha
Keywords: IoT, Raspberry pi, PIR sensor, DHT 22 sensors, soil sensor, LDR and Blynk app.


Where technology is concerned, agriculture is introducing modern irrigation technologies. Previously, in agriculture, farmers faced over- and under-irrigation, resulting in crop damage. This the development detection device the Internet of Things. In this article, an IoT framework based on Raspberry Pi is demonstrated, which will enable the farmer to regulate irrigation from anywhere and at any time using a PC or smartphone, as well as track moisture and temperature parameters. To minimise his or her efforts while still maximising the use of water. A message is sent to the user through the Blynk app, prompting them to take appropriate action.

How to Cite
Ms.K.Swetha, M. K. (2021). An IoT Instrumented Smart Irrigation System Using Raspberry Pi. Design Engineering, 5694- 5703. Retrieved from