The Effectiveness of Web-Based Learning Media Towards Skills of Midwifery D-III Students on the Second Stage of Childbirth Care Practicum

  • Sitti Hardianti, Syafruddin Syarif, Mardiana Ahmad, Ummi Klasum S
Keywords: Learning media, Web, Skill, Second Stage of Childbirth.


This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of web-based learning media towards skills of midwifery D-III students on the second stage of childbirth care practicum through pre and post tests between control and intervention groups. This research was conducted at the STIKES Nani Hasanuddin Makassar laboratory and as many as 60 midwifery D-III students were the objects of this research. The results showed that in the web-based learning media group, 90.0% of students were unskilled before the intervention, and 73.3% of them were skilled after the intervention. Thus, the writer concludes that the provision of web-based learning media can improve student skills and all skills are carried out perfectly. While in the control group there are differences in skills in measurements I and II but not too significant the value of = 1,000> from = 0.05, this means that H0 is accepted so it can be said that there is an insignificant difference in student skills in the control group before and after giving conventional learning media.

How to Cite
Mardiana Ahmad, Ummi Klasum S, S. H. S. S. (2021). The Effectiveness of Web-Based Learning Media Towards Skills of Midwifery D-III Students on the Second Stage of Childbirth Care Practicum. Design Engineering, 3558- 3567. Retrieved from