Importance of Fostering Creativity in Concept Development Stage

  • Ar. Jyoti Singh


Creativity is an original cognitive ability and problem-solving process which enables individuals to use their intelligence in a way that is unique and directed toward coming up with a product. Creativity is one of the most important parts of architecture. Many believe that if creativity is deleted from architecture, something which remains is nothing just copying. Studying creativity in architecture is something focused on in this paper. This article looks at architecture students'creativity in the Concept development approach in architecture design with the Design Process. We have witnessed through the literature and practical experience that a large number of students are not able to work on creativity in concept development as in architecture education. Concept generation is very important for the design. One of the most influential factors in architectural design is creativity. The enhancement of student creativity is a universally sought objective. From the first year of architecture education, students are confused about what is a concept, how it can go with the design, what will be the process to transform concepts into design products Architectural education is one of them because it can be defined as a design study which gets its origins from creativity. While the encouragement and rewarding of creativity are very important in all fields, it is especially important in the field of architectural education. This paper focuses on the exposition of creativity as a basic skill to be attained by architecture students, how this skill can be boosted, and its improvement in conceptdevelopmentto upgrade architectural education.

Creativity is the cornerstone of architecture (Danaci, 2015). It is one of the captivating and stimulating aspects of the human mind and is defined as the ability to change old ideas to produce unique inventions (Heap, 1989).  It is required to investigate which of these components has the greatest impact on increasing student creativity. A total of 107 bachelor students of Architecture were surveyed using a questionnaire. The paper will deal with the issues which the student of architecture faced during the concept development for creativity in the design process. For this various theory of concept development, creativity, and design process studies to write this paper. To analysis different types of design, their role, importance, etc… concept development in each design. The methodology for this paper shall be as follows Data gathered from digital resources on concept development,creativity, design process, and Models shall be studied, collated, structure, and analyzed and Opinions of the students and faculty on these models would be elicited through questionnaires, interviews, discussions, etc. The feedback received would be collated, structured, and analyzed. The research will be conducted to evaluate the ways to fostering creativity and performance of design students in a design process. Based on the literature and case study,  Inference and conclusion are drawn.

How to Cite
Ar. Jyoti Singh. (2021). Importance of Fostering Creativity in Concept Development Stage. Design Engineering, 1497- 1506. Retrieved from