Developing Smart Lean Factory Ecosystem Based on Toyota Production System

  • Suryawhan Arifandi, Yui Hastoro Sapardyanto, Mutiara Dian Sari, Rinaldi, Aria Indratama


This research aims to provide a strong foundation for manufacturing companies to achieve success in an increasingly competitive and rapidly changing environment with an integrated approach between mind maps and literature studies in developing strategies to improve quality in manufacturing systems. Therefore, this research proposes an integrated approach through a combination of literature studies, data analysis, and field studies. The research method used involves an integrated approach between mind maps and literature study. The first step involves an in-depth literature study to identify theories and concepts related to quality improvement in manufacturing systems. Data analysis is also carried out to understand production performance and product quality from various sources. In addition, a field study was conducted to gain direct insight from industry practitioners. This reaserach add one study on smart lean factory system, resulting it concept thru a mind map detailing the steps and requirements needed to achieve quality improvements in manufacturing basen on Toyota Production System (TPS). The mind map includes several stages: strategic exploration, tactical and technical/operation level. In addition, this research also identify several key factors to build smart manufacturing systems theese are: principle integration, smart factory ecosystem, essential aspect architecture and smart best practice concept as well as people role. In conclusion, this research highlights the importance of an integrated approach between mind maps and literature studies in developing strategies to improve quality in manufacturing systems. The steps identified in the mind map can serve as a guide for companies in implementing best practices in improving the quality of their products and production processes thru smart lean system. This research resulting some model: Principle integration, Ecosystem, Essential aspect and Quality MES based on TPS requirements.

How to Cite
Suryawhan Arifandi. (2022). Developing Smart Lean Factory Ecosystem Based on Toyota Production System . Design Engineering, (1), 4849 - 4864. Retrieved from