A Single Vendor-Buyer Integrated Two-Warehouse Green Fuzzy Inventory Model for Deteriorating Item to Achieve Environmental Sustainability
In the modern era, environmental sustainability is greater concern of research as global warming is increasing day by day. Carbon emission is one of the major factors affecting environment. Production, storage and transaportation of inventories is greater cause of producing carbon. This paper focussed on integrated inventory-transportation modelling considering single vendor-buyer to maximize their profit in supply-chain. Transportation of commodities using small vehicles in metro cities and crowded market are also major cause of producing carbon di oxide. This paper proposed integrated inventory model considering selling price dependent demand rate of market and combined effect of supply chain has been studied. To deal with uncertainty a fuzzy inventory model is developed followed by crisp inventory model. The average inventory cost of supply chain for fuzzy model is obtained using Signed Distance Method (SDM) and Centroid Method (CM) and compared with result of crisp inventory model. Concavity of models illustrated with help of 3-D graph and applicability of models is validated numerically. Sensitivity of parameters on fuzzy model is tabulated.