Statistical Evaluation of Video Retrieval using Distance Measure and RGB Color Histogram

  • Shubhangini Ugale, Dr. Dharamveer Choudhari, Dr. Vivek Kapur
Keywords: Distance measure, Color histogram, Video retrieval, Machine learning


In today era, cameras are use in airport, railway station, home place, shopping malls, Hospitals etc for our surveillance. We check video when crime occur. To watch every videos or all pictures in database is time consuming task.. Storage of these pictures and video in electronics device has been restriction due to less storage capacity. In our laptop or mobile huge amount of pictures and videos we save and search a particular image or video in huge database is open issue today. To overcome this problem distance measure metric are used to retrieve same picture or video as query image/video. In this paper we evaluated distance measure metric such as Chi- square, Correlation, histogram intersection and Hellinger distance metrics. In this paper, video shot boundary detection, different distance metric, categories of video feature generation approach, basic of histogram are given which aware researcher basic of distance measure metric and content based video retrieval.

How to Cite
Shubhangini Ugale, Dr. Dharamveer Choudhari, Dr. Vivek Kapur. (2022). Statistical Evaluation of Video Retrieval using Distance Measure and RGB Color Histogram. Design Engineering, (1), 3448-3457. Retrieved from