Water Treatment Networks Flexible Design

  • M. A. Mousa, G. M. Abdellalem, M. M. Elsokary


Some of the impacts of climatechangescouldaffecthumanhealth,foodsecurity,waterresources,and ecosystems. Both water supply and wastewater disposal require a lot of energy. The collection, transport, and finally, treating water till be capable of using drinking purposes consume massive amounts of energy, leading toreleasinghuge amounts of carbon dioxide per annum. A better design of these water infrastructuresystemscouldnodoubtachievesubstantialenergysavingsthroughreducingemissionsatareasonablecost. Thisresearch investigatesthealternativesfordesigning such water distribution systems considering CO2 emissions and coststogetheras objectives. The trade-offs between thesethreeparametersareinvestigatedto perform optimal waternetwork.Forunderstandingthesetrade-offs,amulti-objectiveGAoptimization module was created.

How to Cite
M. A. Mousa, G. M. Abdellalem, M. M. Elsokary. (2022). Water Treatment Networks Flexible Design. Design Engineering, (1), 2533 - 2543. Retrieved from http://www.thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/9264