The Assessment According to IREX Standards of American Organization Case Study for University of Anbar

  • Dr. Abdusalam Ali Hussein Alnoori


The purpose of this assessment was to develop a clear and detailed understanding of the current status of University of Anbar to further support post Da’esh recovery efforts while building and improving upon the overall institutional quality. The primary outcome of this exercise is to assist university administrators in prioritizing rebuilding efforts to best utilize limited funds and resources, focusing initial rebuilding on core areas to further the overall quality of the institution while developing a detailed strategic roadmap for longer term development. Additional benefits of this report is to provide agencies and organizations with specific, concrete data on institutional needs to inform development efforts. Finally, the facilitated exercise was intended to provide resources and build capacity of local administrators in conducting on going institutional self-assessment based on internationally recognized good practice.

The idea for a facilitated self-assessment with University of Anbar began with a request from the U.S. Embassy, Baghdad as a means to offer support to colleagues tasked with rebuilding in the midst of multiple and complex challenges. Ideally this data will be used to identify further funding efforts to support rebuilding. Recommendations for prioritizing rebuilding efforts are included at the end of this report.

How to Cite
Dr. Abdusalam Ali Hussein Alnoori. (2022). The Assessment According to IREX Standards of American Organization Case Study for University of Anbar. Design Engineering, (1), 1543-1553. Retrieved from