Developing Water Distribution Network's Hydrologic Data of Integrated PDAM Tirta Jati Cirebon

  • Adam Safitri, Wahyudi, S. Imam, Soedarsono
Keywords: Tekanan air, mikrokontrolloerarduino, Epanet 2.0, Thingspeak, jaringan pipa distribusi, air minum


Real-time water pressure monitoring technology to get data on water demand during peak hours of water usage or non-peak hours of water usage. The control system uses sensors that are connected to the integrated Arduino Uno microcontroller so that the data generated by the pressure sensor and water flow rate can be accessed via the website or smartphone.The need for access to drinking water for several categories in the provision of drinking water systems is the gap between demand and the level of service in both urban and rural areas, uneven availability of drinking water facilities and infrastructure, inefficient management, and lack of funds for both development and management. The population served is 80 % - 90 % of the total population, the number of people per SR is 5-7 people, small towns (2,104 - 1,105), maximum daily needs are 115% of the average need. simulation using the e-panet application program to get a reference value for later comparison with research data by entering input data such as pipe diameter, pump capacity and elevation, in this case the elevation in research can be estimated based on information from GIS data.

How to Cite
Soedarsono, A. S. W. S. I. (2022). Developing Water Distribution Network’s Hydrologic Data of Integrated PDAM Tirta Jati Cirebon. Design Engineering, (1), 723-740. Retrieved from