Developing ‘Beats – The Music Player’: A Music Player App for Android

  • Princy Malhotra


Sometimes, it feels like we have been running Google‟s mobile OS on our android devices forever. However, it‟s actually been just over a decade since the first official android phone hit the stores. Gone are the days when a video call with someone seemed something vague or impossible. We were a fan of Nokia Samsung‟s and Blackberry devices running on their custom operating systems. And even with strong fan-following from these brands, people shifted to Android in a very short span of time. Why? Did you ever imagine how easy it is to chat with your friends online or to order your food, groceries etc with just a click?For the last two years, the number of mobile phone users increased day by day. The interesting fact is nearly 46% of people are from India and it also recorded at second place in the number of active mobile phone users in the world. As mobile has become an essential ingredient in the lives of majority people, technology also developed in the form of mobile applications.

How to Cite
Princy Malhotra. (2021). Developing ‘Beats – The Music Player’: A Music Player App for Android. Design Engineering, 3029-3041. Retrieved from