Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Module Using P&O MPPT Algorithm

  • Vasupalli Manoj, Rajesh Babu Damala, BathulaVineela Rathan


The sun is the only source of energy for all of Earth's life. Photosynthesis is the primary way through which green plants produce their own sustenance. In order for this process to take place, there must be sufficient light. The sun is the most common source of this light. Plants and other creatures that consume plants are the primary sources of sustenance for animals. Heat is also required for the survival of plants and animals. As a result, plants serve as solar energy reservoirs. One minute's worth of sun energy on India is enough to power our country for a full day. This tremendous amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth has been underutilised by mankind. Solar energy refers to the sun's rays. Deep within the sun, a nuclear fusion reaction generates all of the sun's energy. Hydrogen and helium nuclei are formed when hydrogen and helium are combined. These processes release energy into the atmosphere, which is then absorbed by the Earth. Radiant energy is another name for solar energy. Radiant energy from the sun can be divided into two categories: visible and infrared. Light infrared photons are the most crucial. Ultraviolet and X-ray radiation. An innovative technique for tracking a solar PV panel's greatest power point is presented in this study. As temperatures and irradiance change, the MPP of a PV cell can change as well, resulting in a non-linear V-I characteristic and MPP. In order to track the (MPP) and maintain the system's operation, appropriate algorithms must be used because the power output changes based on irradiation and cell temperature. It is used to model a photovoltaic system with (MPPT) function in Matlab/Simulink.

How to Cite
Vasupalli Manoj, Rajesh Babu Damala, BathulaVineela Rathan. (2021). Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Module Using P&O MPPT Algorithm. Design Engineering, 16273-16284. Retrieved from