Designed an Automated Attendance System Using Face Recognition

  • Shobhana Saxena


Having an attendance management system is a very important and necessary tool for any institution. The institution needs to keep track of the attendance of students who are learning in that particular institution. Teachers are the ones who directly interact with the students of the institution. So they are responsible for taking the attendance of the students for their particular session. But their primary responsibility is to teach the students. They cannot waste lot of time in taking attendance of students. They need to concentrate on teaching the students.  This paper is about an attendance management system which utilizes face recognition to improve the speed of attendance taking in classrooms. With the use of face recognition the time taken to take attendance of students will reduce drastically. In this paper, face recognition is used to take the attendance of the students using Open CV library, which is a library used for computer vision. This library can be used to identify faces in front of the camera. Machine learning is used to train data and the system compares the face in front of the camera with the previously trained data to identify particular students.

How to Cite
Shobhana Saxena. (2021). Designed an Automated Attendance System Using Face Recognition. Design Engineering, 15055 - 15061. Retrieved from