Shock Boundary Interaction over Blunt Body at different hypervelocity with two Wedge angle

  • Balaji R, Muruga Lal Jeyan
Keywords: Shock layer, Bow shockwave, Expansion Waves, Blunt body


Hypersonic-vehicles have been experiencing more shock wave impact over the leeward part of the object. The shock wave impact results in a sudden reduction of velocity and increment in drag. So, predicting the appropriate design to reduce the shock wave's impact results in producing better aerodynamic efficiency. The present work mainly focuses on generating expansion waves to reduce the bow shock waves’ impact over the geometry. The nose cone was designed with two different wedge angles to increase the generation of expansion waves. In the apex angle region due to sudden diversion in the angle, shock layer thickness increases by the generation of expansion waves, resulting in better aerodynamic performance. The Bluntness ratio and fineness ratio also considered as additional cases for better performance. The same analysis was carried out multiple times to visualize the shock wave interaction and expansion wave generation. The results show clearly that by generating the expansion wave’s heat flux variation over the geometry reduced and the aerodynamic performance increasing.

How to Cite
Muruga Lal Jeyan, B. R. (2021). Shock Boundary Interaction over Blunt Body at different hypervelocity with two Wedge angle. Design Engineering, 7357-7365. Retrieved from