Virtual Models (3D) Embedded In Website Interactive Platform and Using Algorithms for Design

  • AlaaAli Abd-Alhasan, Abdul-Wahab Sami Ibrahim


With the advent of the Internet, a revolution was made not in the field of economy, communications and industries, but also in the field of education, where the development of technology led to an expanded spread of information that provides new opportunities for learning called )E-learning(, where virtual reality was applied as three-dimensional models(3D) in the education of the medical field to increase the understanding of the student in Difficult topics such as anatomy and chronic diseases with the addition of videos and recent articles that benefit the student and the teacher as well, with the use of algorithms to design the platform.

How to Cite
AlaaAli Abd-Alhasan, Abdul-Wahab Sami Ibrahim. (2021). Virtual Models (3D) Embedded In Website Interactive Platform and Using Algorithms for Design. Design Engineering, 2860-2869. Retrieved from