Smart Seat Management with Contactless Ticketing IN Public Transport

  • Kavya Shivashankar , Shivaputra , Meenakshi.L.Rathod , Harsha.R
Keywords: Radio frequency identification (RFID), Internet of things (IOT), NODE Microcontroller unit (NODEMCU).


Now a days embedded technology is emerging more in integrating the numerous functions inside of it for this purpose it needs various source of selections por department in closed loop system. This project reduces the man power, saves time of buying tickets and efficiently operates without human presence and also this is new advent in technology, these systems are developed to have in built intelligence people are experiencing uncommon things in public transportation like theft, terrorist attacks, pickpocketing and these becomes difficult to investigating agencies to analyses the case. Here we are proposing an centralized bus control system where a passenger has to fill up his details like bus pass by providing unique identification and address proof to know about passengers which saves that information in database and they need to purchase a card like bus pass by providing unique ID where it is common to all [Aadhar Card] and get a card having unique number where it changes from card to card. We are using a RFID reader to read the RFID unique tags passenger must recharge the card in near by bus stops using this system can remove the current ticketing system by providing E-tickets by triggering a message to passenger’s after exiting from the bus before that he must swipe or tap his card to RFID reader.

How to Cite
Meenakshi.L.Rathod , Harsha.R , K. S. , S. ,. (2021). Smart Seat Management with Contactless Ticketing IN Public Transport . Design Engineering, 12393-12405. Retrieved from