The Movement of Open Government Data: A Systematic Review

  • Rameshor Subedi, Tadiwa Elisha Nyamasvisva, Manish Pokharel
Keywords: Open Government Data, Adoption, Key Factors, Adaptors, Movement


The current research looks into how Open Government Data (OGD) spreads from developed to developing countries. The beauty of true democracy is open government data available on the internet with the goal of creating interactivity with stakeholders for decision-making and accessible government. To be a truly open government, data must be publicly available in machine-readable format for anyone to access, publish, and republish without limitations. After Barack Obama's election as President of the United States in 2008, the concept of Open Government Data was emerged. This study's key contribution is to identify early open data adapters, challenging adaptors, and the types of datasets that governments publish as open government data. It also looks at what issues should be taken into account as open government data adoption moves forward. It also emphasizes the most important aspects that influence OGD adoption. This research provides insights into the factors and issues that must be considered when appropriately and effectively implementing open data in government agencies.

How to Cite
Manish Pokharel, R. S. T. E. N. (2021). The Movement of Open Government Data: A Systematic Review. Design Engineering, 7065-7074. Retrieved from