Analysis of Financial Technology as An Opportunity to Market or Disruption of Industry

  • Dr.Meena Suguanthi.G , Dr.S.Gokila, Dr.C. Thiyagarajan
Keywords: Fintech, Financial Technology , Industry Disruption , consumer finance .


This research paper is intended to analyse the “Fintech” (Financial Technology) as a boon opportunity to market or is it considered as an industry disruption. The data used for the study comprises of both primary and secondary data. The research is divided into two dimensions based on opportunity to market and disruption of finical service industry. The analysis of data collected from the primary source helps to understand the opportunities awaiting in future, these data are collected from the consumer and  helpful in understanding  the expectation of consumer and how will they adapt the financial technology is also predicted easily .The collection of data is made from administering the structured questionnaire and the population sample are the consumers who utilizes various financial services ranging from insurance , banking , credit services , stocks and other investments etc.

The secondary data helps to understand the functionality of industry and how it is going to get transformed in future. The scope of this research paper can be further extended to the study of stock brokers and to other financial service providers who are actually involved in execution of the services request on the behalf of the customers.

How to Cite
Dr.Meena Suguanthi.G , Dr.S.Gokila, Dr.C. Thiyagarajan. (2021). Analysis of Financial Technology as An Opportunity to Market or Disruption of Industry. Design Engineering, 5683- 5688. Retrieved from