one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test analysed the audience’s perceptions towards the television programs during the lockdown

  • D.V.P.Noblin, K.Ravichandran
Keywords: no keywords


All over the world, despite the royal family income, Indians are still attached to their homeland and are connected like a family for a long time. The unparalleled expansion of TV audiences to include the entire family has become an addiction to entertainment. This coronavirus confirms the promotion and adaptation of television during the embargo. Facing the huge storm, various new use cases were presented to TV viewers. Many people are watching TV, and as often as possible, the observer group is changed from a predominantly female group to a family visiting group. As all family members have been watching TV, almost the evening has entered a new day with more viewers. The project under analysis has changed a lot. The most important thing is that you need to allow TV on blackout days and have a good business opportunity to see if the public is satisfied with the promotion of important projects these lockdowndays. The research was quantified to answer the Kolmogorov-Smirnov One sample test, which gave a huge cut-off value. In recent days, the masses' use of television and their subordination or disappointment to the project has consciously changed.

How to Cite
K.Ravichandran, D. (2021). one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test analysed the audience’s perceptions towards the television programs during the lockdown. Design Engineering, 5361- 5370. Retrieved from