Feature Extraction of Melanoma Data using Machine Learning Techniques

  • R.Veeralakshmi, Dr.K.Merriliance
Keywords: Melanoma, Image enhancement, Segmentation, Feature extraction, Machine learning, Kernel PCA, SIFT.


In our body the skin is the largest organ, it protects from injury, infection and also helps to maintain the temperature of the body. Melanoma Skin cancer is one of the most dangerous skin diseases and it is caused by an uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells, by ultraviolet radiation from sunshine. Melanoma is more common among white skins such as Americans than in darker skins. The digital lesion images have been analyzed based on image acquisition, pre-processing, and image segmentation technique. The image segmentation technique is applied to easily identify the affected portion in the skin input image. The images are enhanced using morphological filters and sharpen region of interest in an image, enhancement method enhanced the non-uniform background illumination and converts the input image into a binary image too easy to identify foreground objects. The mole of melanoma is segmented from the background using Active Contour algorithm. After that, the feature extraction methods such as Kernel PCA, SIFT are used to extract melanoma affected area in an image based on their intensity and texture features.

How to Cite
Dr.K.Merriliance, R. (2021). Feature Extraction of Melanoma Data using Machine Learning Techniques. Design Engineering, 5352-5360. https://doi.org/10.17762/de.vi.3967