The Effect Of Pregnancy Hazard Sign Education On Android-Based Pregnant Mother's Anxiety During The Covid-19 Pandemic

  • April Artinanda, Wertna Nontji , Syarifuddin Sharif, 4 Wardihan Sinrang ,Burhanuddin Bahar ,Muhammad Nasrun Massi
Keywords: Anxiety; Pregnancy Education; Application


April Artinanda. The effect of education on pregnancy danger signs on the anxiety of Android-based pregnant women during the covid19 pandemic, Hasanuddin University Makassar (supervised by Dr. Werna Nontji, S.Kp., M.Kep and Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafruddin Syarif, MT ).

Background: Every hour, one woman dies during childbirth or due to causes related to pregnancy. mothers and newborns so that it sometimes causes excessive anxiety in pregnant women. This study aims to assess the difference in knowledge before and after being given education on pregnancy danger signs and assess the effect of education on pregnancy danger signs on the anxiety of Android-based pregnant women during the COVID- 19 pandemic .

Methods: This type of research is a quasi-experimental research (quasi-research). The design used is a pretest-posttest design with control group design. With a population of 150 people and a sample of 60 pregnant women who use the "pregnant mother's friend" application in the Bara Barayya Health Center Makassar in April-May 2021.

Results: The results of the statistical test showed that there was a difference before and after being given the "friends of pregnant women" application. The pretest obtained a Medium value of 16.18 with a minimum score of 10 and a maximum of 40. After the researcher gave the application "friends of pregnant women", then a posttest was carried out. seen an increase in the value of Medium, namely 35.47 with an increase in the minimum value to 26 and the maximum value of 40. The man whitney test indicates that there is a difference between pretest and posttest if the significant value shows the p value of 0.000 , less than a 0.05 then it shows the results of the study after pregnant women use the "pregnant mother's friend" application will increase knowledge about the danger signs of pregnancy. Anxiety pregnant women obtained pretest severe anxiety 78.7%, moderate anxiety 20.9%, after the posttest there was no severe anxiety only 15% moderate anxiety and 85% mild anxiety. While the results of the chi square test indicate that if the p value of 0.004 is smaller than a 0.05, it shows that there is an influence of knowledge of pregnancy danger signs through the android application on the anxiety of pregnant women. so that it will reduce the level of anxiety of pregnant women in carrying out their pregnancy days, especially during the current covid 19 pandemic .

How to Cite
4 Wardihan Sinrang ,Burhanuddin Bahar ,Muhammad Nasrun MassiA. A. W. N. , S. S. (2021). The Effect Of Pregnancy Hazard Sign Education On Android-Based Pregnant Mother’s Anxiety During The Covid-19 Pandemic. Design Engineering, 8023-8034. Retrieved from