Research On the Experiential Tourism Product Design of Chinese Traditional Folk Culture Based on the Concept of "Authenticity of Space Construction"

  • Xue Bai , Dawei Chen, Enbo Guo
Keywords: Authenticity; Traditional folk culture; Tourism products.


Based on the constructivism "authenticity" concept, it is feasible to design the traditional sports tourism products in China. The paper aims to solve the problems of authenticity and local sustainable development of cultural tourism products developed on the basis of national culture excavation and inheritance. To ensure the experience and authenticity of tourism performance culture is an important basis for improving the influence and infection of tourism performance culture, and also an inevitable choice for further development of tourism performance industry and promoting the development of modern tourism industry. Based on the validity response of local sexy knowledge, the paper explores the strategies to ensure the experience and authenticity of tourism culture.

How to Cite
Enbo Guo , X. B. , D. C. (2021). Research On the Experiential Tourism Product Design of Chinese Traditional Folk Culture Based on the Concept of "Authenticity of Space Construction". Design Engineering, 2443-2457. Retrieved from