Application System Software Engineering Technology and Process Based on Information Service Platform

  • Yunbiao Xu
Keywords: Software engineering, Modern information system, Software design, Reusability


In China, software engineering is introduced into the design of imperfect modern information system to make the designed modern information system meet the requirements of sustainable development of different types of enterprises. Based on this, this paper studies the application system software engineering technology and process based on information service platform. This paper first summarizes the basic principles of modern information system software design, and expounds the drawbacks in the process of modern information system development. Then, this paper gives the software requirements in the process of system construction, and designs the optimization strategy of application software engineering in modern information system. The web application engineering process model and development process method proposed in this paper are suitable for the development of general object-oriented software system. This will greatly promote the engineering, standardization and efficient development of web system. It realizes the smooth transition of web application development from design to implementation and improves the reusability of application. This paper provides the basis and reference for the development of high-quality web applications.
How to Cite
Yunbiao Xu. (2021). Application System Software Engineering Technology and Process Based on Information Service Platform. Design Engineering, 186 - 194. Retrieved from